REF Lima


REF es una Organización Internacional de juntas asesoras de pares para líderes empresariales de primer nivel.

REF crea un espacio irremplazable donde los Miembros pueden elevar sus desafíos más estratégicos en un ambiente de confianza y confidencialidad, dando lugar a soluciones trascendentes.


Our Team in REF Lima

Nuestro propósito es acelerar la evolución personal, profesional y empresarial de nuestros Miembros porque creemos que los líderes evolucionados y conectados son una fuerza positiva en el mundo.

Manolo Vega

Presidente de REF Global y Partner de Lima

Soy Presidente de REF, una organización internacional de directores ejecutivos fundada en Estados Unidos en 1994. Creemos que los líderes empresariales evolucionados y conscientes son una fuerza positiva en el mundo. Proporcionamos una plataforma que permite a nuestros miembros acceder a la inteligencia colectiva un círculo de confianza para tomar decisiones más sabias y crecer personal y profesionalmente.

Julio Noriega

REF CEO Global y Forum Leader para Top Executives

Creador de valor con más de 20 años de experiencia dirigiendo empresas multinacionales y unidades de negocio, con una sólida experiencia en puestos de dirección general con responsabilidad directa sobre la estrategia corporativa, la innovación, el desarrollo de negocio y P&L.

Our Memberships

Crece profesional y personalmente. Accede a información e insights exclusivos. Pertenece a una red de líderes empresariales global con presencia en más de 60 ciudades. Vive experiencias inspiradoras y nuevos desafíos.


Top Executives

CEO, dueño, presidente o equivalente.

Key Executives

CXO y alta dirección.


Ha construido/está construyendo una empresa exitosa

Member Testimonials

Ready To reach the next level?

Let’s have a conversation at REF Lima


What is REF?

Renaissance Executive Forums is a global organization, founded in the USA 30 years ago. Its members are company CEOs and Presidents, by invitation only, who are assigned to Groups of 12 from non-competing businesses.

The Organization is in the process of expansion and we are looking for Partners, Forum Leaders, Members, Ambassadors and Global Speakers. Each of these roles involves different profiles, time commitments, compensation packages and benefits.

What is a Forum Group?

An exclusive group of 12 to 15 Business Leaders from non-competing industries that meet one morning a month, skillfully guided by a Forum Leader. Members of a Group meet confidentially, once a month to help each other make better decisions to reach their business and personal goals.

Basically, Group members present their most pressing challenges in an environment of full transparency, and the others tell them what they would do if they were in their shoes. The Group not only becomes a high-caliber advisory board, but also a Circle of Trust, where you share your professional and personal best practices, forge deep relationships, and feel comfortable showing who you are.

What to expect from your Forum Group?

Meetings are tailored to each group’s composition and needs. The Forum’s structure is divided into 3 segments.

  • In the first segment, called the Educational Component, a guest expert discusses a relevant topic of interest to the group.
  • In the second segment called the Round Table, we open up a space for reflection and planning.
  • Finally, in the third segment, called the Case, one or two members present their major challenges so the other group members can advise them on what they would do in their situation (shoes/place).

What is REF Value Proposition - KEY Differentiation

REF provides a unique space where members gain clarity to make their most important and challenging business, professional and personal decisions.

  • Selective trust-based Forum Groups made up of top-tier business leaders (by invitation only)
  • Forum Groups led by Forum leaders with business experience.
  • Case method.
  • Holistic approach: Personal, professional, and business growth.
  • Continuous education through leading professionals.
  • Introspection, reflection, and planning.

What does evolution mean?

At REF we define evolution as "awareness and alignment". Awareness of the knowledge and major trends that every Business Leader must be conscious of in order to align their vision, strategy, and execution.

Our purpose is to accelerate the personal, professional, and business evolution of Business Leaders to become a positive force in the world.

Is it a networking group?

REF is not just another networking event that barely scratches the surface. Our Value Proposition creates robust structures that dig deep and form trust-based meaningful relationships.

By being part of a Forum Group, members can bring their biggest challenges and dilemmas to address with their Group's Collective Intelligence. This Collective Intelligence is composed of diverse experiences and backgrounds of other proven Leaders, who will grant each other their undivided attention. They do not have any conflict of interest, and have only their peers' best interest in mind.